…These pieces are my time machine.
I have suffered the torments of a complicated painful existence and now find myself, about to turn 50, wanting to play once again, like a child having fun with the monsters and fears that ruled his entire existence, depicting the faces and figures that became a part of it.
My life has always been a tragi-comedy… I have tried to poke fun at my irrational fears even during the most dramatic moments, and this has probably helped them to become more bearable over time. With these conceptually lightweight works, I want to find that child again, the one who got lost in the depressions of an adult life, moving too fast while standing still.
I want to go back, to before the pain and the losses, to when I was happy not knowing how what would happen once I grew up…
Seriously, who wouldn’t want a second chance at being a child again? when everything had yet to happen? being able to relive a life from the very first day, ignoring the future pain?
This is why these pieces in aluminium wire or hand-shaped rubber, were originally created on pieces of paper, drawn with a continuous line, eyes shut and with my left hand, in a childish attempt to produce drawings that have no corrupted lines, no culture of design, the only desire being to have fun through the gentle brutality of an as yet uneducated unconscious thought that cares not for the superfluity of adults.
This is what Crunk means to me,
…a game that crystallises the desire of unwitting unspoilt happiness… still alive and shiny
“with these improbable lightweight pieces I try to bring alive the grotesque that has always surrounded me, often depicting rash clumsy existences like my own.”